User Portlet User Portlet

b3m2a1 ​ 
Unfortunately no. I do make use of that, though, when making my autocompletions.
That's a bad sign... it shouldn't require 3 Netflix subscriptions to be able to change to or whatever
I added some [preliminary stuff on undocumented functions]( ...
Give this a try. We'll make a button that can deploy the current selection in a notebook: Button["Deploy", Print@CloudDeploy[ Notebook@Flatten@{NotebookRead@EvaluationNotebook[]}, Permissions -> "Public"] ] You...
The new inline cell openers work via a packet called ``FEPrivate`SetCellGroupOpen``. The usage for this is something like: MathLink`CallFrontEnd@ FrontEnd`Value@ FEPrivate`SetCellGroupOpen[ cell, ...
Thanks for setting this up. Is there any way this could also be posted somewhere on Meta on the Mathematica StackExchange? That might get a slightly larger user base/less skewed towards the Wolfram fans, even if it will still be biased toward...
Use `subprocess` with wolframscript to evaluate the stuff and return it as JSON. Use the `json` module to import that JSON into standard python datastructures.
I'm excited for the new paclet stuff, but am wary that WRI will make choices that will break large amounts of what I've been working on with paclets (see, for example, a fully-functioning, open paclet server:
Another poke. Any chance this gets implemented? I really don't want to have to move things, but [GitHub pages]( are looking like an alternative that won't force me into hideous URLs...
I understand where you're coming from. Safety is a concern with things like these. On the other hand without some form of centralized repository there's no way for the Mathematica developer community to thrive and without that I'd argue Mathematica...