User Portlet User Portlet

b3m2a1 ​ 
It's actually possible with `AttachCell`. Try: FrontEndExecute@ FrontEnd`AttachCell[ EvaluationNotebook[], Cell["asdasdas", "DockedCell", CellFrame -> {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}, CellSize -> {Scaled[1], Automatic},...
I want auto-linking, like the internal formats work. If I drop my format into `$InstallationDirectory/SystemFiles/Formats` it will be found automatically by the system. It didn't seem there was a way to get that to work with the PacletManager for...
If you use Workbench you know you can use it to build documentation via a system called DocuTools. This is basically just a paclet that gets mirrored down into Eclipse with Workbench along with a bunch of other junk. The system's a little bit...
This is closely related, but coming from a slightly different direction:
I think the WolframAudio folder for recordings and junk is in objectively the wrong folder. Currently it's at: FileNameJoin@{$UserDocumentsDirectory, "WolframAudio"} Since WRI is already forcing me to pollute my `$UserDocumentsDirectory`...
Worth noting that this can also be done with the newish ``FrontEnd`MoveCursorToInputField`` which appears as if it was introduced to handle the cloud dialog functionality in v10 or maybe v11
I thought I'd register my agreement. As someone who enjoys dev work, even super basic documentation without all of the `"Details"`, `"Related Guides"`, and `"See Also"` sections and crud would be very, very useful. If it's implemented in toplevel...
For those reading this who are interested in understanding how a bunch of these undocumented front-end functions work, here's the running list I've been keeping over on StackExchange: Feel free...
This was reasonably popular on the StackExchange and people here sometimes like framework development things, so I'm copying it over from [here]( for those who don't spend time on StackExchange. ...
No need to restrict yourselves to RESTful APIs, I think (although they will be by far the most useful). You can also use the `ServiceConnect` framework to link to random, poorly designed websites that don't support any real API, e.g. [A...