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I agree with your statements here. Especially with regards to how the communication strategy (especially in the USA) is focused on the short-term mitigation plan, with no articulation of the higher level COVID-19 end-game strategy. The Chinese...
Very useful! Would you be able to color the lines by the counties' population densities? In wolfram alpha the query 'populations of all US counties/(size of all US counties)' seems to retrieve the correct info. (I always hate it when I show...
Hi Jon...sent you an email.
Thank you for your prompt response!
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now featured in our [Staff Pick][2] column as distinguished by a badge on your profile of a [Featured Contributor][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! [1]:...
I think Henrik captured the essence of the issue. Unless there is a strong foundation, syntax sugar is irrelevant.
Ruben - great question. There's a few different reasons we've uncovered, but we'd love to hear anyone else's input or thoughts... 1) . Analyst firms generally have clients. These clients work closely with the firm to provide detailed information...
## Submission Form Created To make submissions quicker and easier to do I created [a form]( you can use to submit links to your paclets: [![enter image description...
Yes, I agree 'why hasn't metaprogramming been taken up' is a very interesting question. It is certainly something which WL would seem to have some sort of comparative advantage at. And the various shortcomings that Shifrin identifies - particularly...
I have also had need for a non-Unionized Complement and Wolfram should consider adding such a function.