User Portlet User Portlet

![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
Thanks, Bernard. Using the same test sentences, the correlation looks like this. Notice that the low end of the scale is already a high correlation. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Here is my beta version announcement and test call: -
Thanks so much Ahmed (and Guiseppe).
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
It would also be useful if there were Mathematica-specific features included in the Benchmark. Right now the internal benchmarks entirely target general and universal sorts of operations that can be compared to other softwares - things like...
What David Park writes is totally sensible: the built-in Mathematica syntax for graphics has definite limitations, especially for the newbie (and sometimes for the expert, too). As to his example with the disappearing `Tex`t given in the `Epilog`...
Check out [this post][1] or t[his post.][2] [1]: [2]:
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
I have also cross posted this question to Stack Exchange: [][1] B [1]:...