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Does this help? Assuming[a b c + d e g > 0, Simplify[Sqrt[(a b c + d e g)^2]]] Out[22]= Abs[a b c + d e g] Never mind; that's what you started with!
While the 7,000,000 digit computation is computing, Time for a quick memorial: This discussion began on 1/20/2014. "This MRB records posting reached a milestone of over 120,000 views on 3/31/2020, around 4:00 am." "As of 04:00 am...
Mathematica did it this way: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Just use 6^(40 - 20) in place of 6^40/6^ 20. &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
An error occurs because the argument is a normal expression rather than a symbol: As shown in the error message, ef/message/ClearAll/ssym :![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
When there is an integral, often there is a series. Here is one way Mathematica derives what is found at [][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
...Print[Abs[test2]] ...
Using Mathematica, I've made a notable contribution to mathematics that I'm verry proud of! Search "MRB constant." and see Is there anything you would like me to do for you, or maybe your...
Here is a more than 6,532,490 digit near rational approximation involving the MRB constant. &[Wolfram Notebook][1] If ![enter image description here][2] is rational then ![enter image description here][3] is a quadratic. [1]:...
You can use Bing AI and Google CPT to make Mathematica code. They will give you a good start, but occasionally you must make a few corrections. ![enter image description here][1] This time the AI pulled off what it promised without error! ...