User Portlet User Portlet

Bryan Lettner
It would be useful for classrooms to incorporate dynamic 3d display technology. Many kids have trouble visualizing a 3d plot on a 2d whiteboard. The teacher and kids could sweep different parameters and watch graphs update in real time.
Transportation revolution, i.e. modification of the local gravitational field. Aka mass repulsion, gravitational shielding, antigravity, whatever we want to call it. One of the biggest blind-spots in science is that this is "impossible", or too far...
Yes, I left out some code for the sake of brevity. Try this: ParametricPlot[Sum[{1/(Sqrt[2])^k Sin[(Sqrt[2])^k t], 1/(Sqrt[2])^k Cos[(Sqrt[2])^k t]}, {k, 0, 15}], {t, 0, 100 Pi}, MaxRecursion -> 10] Reduced values of t and k, and...
It can sometimes be cumbersome to decipher code that appears differently than it does in a Mathematica notebook. For example, (-1)^k/Sqrt[1.5^k] Sin[(-1)^k Sqrt[1.5^k] t] as compared to ![enter image description here][1] Any chance...
It is actually not a perfect workaround... I just realized it is square at each end, but more rectangular in the middle. I will post a fix if I find something. Still a cool method though. Here's what it looks like taking t to only 0.7 Pi : ...
I would like to begin experimenting with parametrically defined 4D objects: { w(*r*,*s*,*t*) , x(*r*,*s*,*t*) , y(*r*,*s*,*t*) , z(*r*,*s*,*t*) } What's the most straightforward way in Mathematica to visualize a projection of 4+ dimensional...
Thank you Vitaliy. Unfortunately I'm using Mathematica 9 and it doesn't have this feature. I will do some more digging around and post here if I find it.
I see. Any ideas why it might be quitting?
BooleanRegion seems to only deal with certain types of 3D regions. The following example works: DiscretizeRegion[BooleanRegion[And, {Ball[{0, 0, 0}, 2], Ball[{3, 0, 0}, 2]}]] ![enter image description here][1] This next example doesn't work:...
Okay, here's a great solution:  If you are exporting regions generated in mathematica as .stl files for puposes of 3d printing, you can join/add/subtract those regions in a 3d printing software such as MeshLab or Netfabb.  see...