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Are you considering polynomials only? Then would MonomialList be enough? MonomialList[a x^2 + b x y + c y^2, {x, y}] Out[]= {a x^2, b x y, c y^2}
Now, I have made some changes introducing Block, and running x -> as i, and y -> as j,, see below:[mcode]$HistoryLength = 0; ClearSystemCache[]; ClearAll["Global`*"]; SetDirectory["/home/marcelo/Documentos/Tomlinson/2D"]; Block[{x, y, i, j, FmolaX,...
I got you guys. Thanks,  I appreciate it.
Solve can do this work for you. Give it the equations, tell it to solve for Pc, while eliminating what you don't want:[mcode]eqs = {Gs == HVs/HHs,    Gb == HVb/HHb,    Ps == (VVs - VHs*Gs)/(VVs + VHs*Gs),    Pb == (VVb - VHb*Gb)/(VVb + VHb*Gb),    Pc...
Many patterns can be gathered into one structure with a Switch statement,[mcode]function1[{a_, b_, c_}] := Switch[{a, b, c},   {_?NumberQ, _?NumberQ, _String}, {a, b, a + b + 1},   {_String, _?NumberQ, _?NumberQ}, {b + c - 1, b, c},   {_?NumberQ,...
Todd - Thanks for checking in on me. I've been off the forums for a bit and just saw your last two posts. That is a good idea to flatten the objective function values and plot them. I was trying to figure out how to visualize five-dimensional data...
Simon, I believe I figured out why that happened. In my first attempt to use the DSolve routine, I mistakenly used '=' for '=='. That assignment side effect ruin all later computations. Thank you guys. Now the expressions work perfectly! I am still...
FindRoot seems to work somewhat, given two starting values for each variable. In[9]:= FindRoot[{EnEqZeroF==0,partBalZero==0},{{TcineV,2.4,2.6},{nccm3,1.1 10^14, 1.3 10^14}}] During evaluation of In[9]:= FindRoot::cvmit: Failed to converge to the...
Now I understand R and rff and that theta is your variable. Thank you. I apologize for not understanding your problem defining theta+s1. If you can explain more I will try to understand. Would you show me your definition for Bscatheta, Escatheta? ...
If you can show the simplest example of your integral that generates the enourmous number of terms and conditionals then someone might be able to offer a few suggestions to help get you started.