User Portlet User Portlet

If you look at the help page for If and you click on Details then you find If[condition,t,f] is left unevaluated if condition evaluates to neither True nor False. Mathematica recognized your If and then evaluated your condition to try to...
To avoid introducing yet another function name into the already vast collection of function names, perhaps this could be implemented as an enhancement of DiagonalMatrix. If a user were searching for how to zero the diagonal then it might not be too...
Doing this in three steps to get it to fit within the line length limitation If the supposed solution to the DE is C1 Sin[2x]+C2 Cos[x]^2+C3-x Cos[2x]/4-Log[Cos[x]-Sin[x]]/8+Log[Sin[x]+Cos[x]]/8+Sin[2x]Log[Cos[2x]]/8 then the third...
While the " ? " you have in your expression looks like division, it looks "funny" and not like the usual "/". It is not uncommon for new users to get hit with a special character like that and I sometimes say "You just got fonted." Next, the forum...
Another way would be to use Select to obtain only the lists which you want.
Try this eqn = x^2 - 2*x + 7 == 0; sols = Solve[eqn, x]; a = x /. sols[[1]]; b = x /. sols[[2]] You can look up [[ and /. in the help system to try to understand how this works
This should be enough of a hint to get you started. Since it seems that you want to look at every possible pair of numbers from your list, you might look at the help page for the Outer function. Outer[f, list, list] is going to give...
Mathematica is fiercely case sensitive. rws = 10; For[i = 0, i
Going to [free cloud link][1] clicking on "Create A New Notebook", entering CountryData["UnitedStates","LanguagesFractions"] in the page, clicking on Evaluate on the bar above the page and then clicking Evaluate Cells does appear to...
Is it always the first row of the CSV to be removed? Then read the file and delete the first line. If it is not always the first row then is there some other way a program can determine what are comments and what are data? If you could include...