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Add a semicolon and substitute == for = and the code appears to work mp = Table[{i, PrimeQ[2^i - 1]}, {i, 2, 1000}]; Select[mp, #[[2]] == True &][[All, 1]] Next, factoring primes is easy. Can you reword that sentence to make you goal...
Try this [WA Plot][1] followed by [WA FindRoot][2] [1]:...
If you look at the value that you assign to x from your NDSolve you will see that it is {{r->stuff,theta->morestuff}}. That means there is an extra layer of {} in each of your subsequent uses of /.x and you need to either do NDSolve[stuff][[1]] or...
Something is corrupting the second link. I verified the WA code worked, pasted the link above and then trying to use the link fails. It was trying to show that both Table and Map can be used in limited ways to simulate some functions within...
Will this do? Table[ If[j Sequence[] // Flatten which gives you {o[1].o[2] - o[2].o[1], o[1].o[3] - o[3].o[1], o[2].o[3] - o[3].o[2]} Or a slightly simpler version Table[If[j
Sometimes using WolframAlpha to solve or simplify a part of a problem and then use that result to construct a simpler problem to get the final solution will work. By simplifying (A IMPLIES B) AND (B IMPLIES A) to A B this ...
If the Wolfram language Audio Processing functions could be slightly generalized, so that they were able to easily process streaming data in addition to the current fixed lists of data, then this would open the door to all kinds of real time digital...
Your thinking that I is reserved is correct, but that isn't sufficient to override the principle that anything beginning with a letter followed by any number of letters and digits will be considered to be one symbol. This kind of problem shows up...
Usually I start by graphing the available data. data = {1, 7, 21, 43, 73, 111, 157, 211, 273, 343, 421, 507, 601, 703, 813}; ListPlot[data] Hummm. Looks roughly like a parabola, but that is only a first guess. Hint: Look at the...
Perhaps this will give you some ideas about one way to use a loop f[x_] := x^2 + k*x; g[k_] := D[f[x], x] /. x -> Sqrt[k]; k = 1; While[g[k] 10, Print["Something went wrong"]; Break[]] ]; Print["g[", k, "]=", g[k]]