User Portlet User Portlet

The data is accessible through EntityValue EntityValue[Entity["Financial", "NYSE:SPY"], "LatestTrade"]
"Close" for historical values is adjusted close and for "BOND" (PIMCO Total Return Active ETF) dates before {2016, 11, 1} are seeming to vacillate between two values from the source. This can be avoided by using "RawClose" for dates in that range. ...
Part over a Range Part[theData, Range[4, Length[theData], 10]] Part over a Span theData[[4 ;; Length[theData] ;; 10]] Part on a Partition Partition[Drop[theData, 3], UpTo[10]][[All, 1]]
It is beautiful. ImageSize -> {Automatic, 360} will help keep the tall side in your 360 box. Export["turbine.png", Magnify[ WolframAlpha["Wind Turbine Formula", {{"Equation", 1}, "Content"}], 2], ImageSize -> {Automatic, 360}] ...
Looks like a possible problem with Get that is also coming from ToExpression InputForm@ToExpression["Hold[\[LeftCeiling]Log[2,1+Abs[scale[x]-1]]\[RightCeiling]+1]"] (* InputForm=Hold[Ceiling[Log[2, 1 + Abs[scale[x] -...
Include ")" in an exception, to prevent overlaps. res = StringReplace[myString, Shortest["(" ~~ (lhs : Except[")"] ...) ~~ city : Except[WhitespaceCharacter] .. ~~ ", " ~~ st : Repeated[LetterCharacter,...
It works for n=5000, you just need to be using a different starting point to undo the sorting: First@Ordering[resitve[[All, 4]]] 344 resitveOrdered = MapAt[Reverse, resitve, List /@ Range[344, Length[\[Lambda]]]]; ![tocke All...
This is the way I understood your input: (not B and A) and (D implies not E) or (not (B or A)) and ((C and not D) or (not C and D)) or (A and ((not E and B) xor ((not C) and D and (not B)))) This the link for W|A: ...
Import[ Export["7x2.cvs.gz", ConstantArray[1, {7, 2}], {"GZIP", "CSV"}], {"GZIP", "CSV"}] {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}
Solve[x == a + (90 l + d1)/9 == b + (90 m + d2)/9 == c + (90 n + d3)/9 == d + (90 o + d4)/9 == e + (90*p + d5)/9, {l, m, n, o, p, x}, Modulus -> 90] {{l -> C[1], m -> 1 + C[1] + 9 C[2], n -> 5 + C[1] + 9 C[3], o -> 2 + C[1] + 9 C[4],...