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Absolutely. twist = gccolor[{Cos[u] Cos[v], Sin[u] Cos[v], u + Sin[v]}, {u, 0, 2 Pi}, {v, -Pi, Pi}]; Animate[ With[{v = RotationTransform[\[Theta], {0, 0, 1}][{3, 0, 3}]}, Show[twist, ViewPoint -> v, SphericalRegion -> True,...
Straight Import of your data file, may be what is causing sub-lists to become appended. There are a few lower-level functions that can give finer control over how the data is grabbed from the file. These functions are named Read and ReadList. To see...
Riemann Sums example page
What you may be looking for there is logical Or for that pair of equalities, double vertical pipe, ||[code]In[ ]:= Cases[Range[1, 100], x_ /; (Mod[x, 2] == 0 || Mod[x, 3] == 0)] Out[ ]= {2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, \...
Gotcha. The rmsd's are being stored in the last position of every vars2 result in errortrial1. If they are already grouped together in the way you want them to be averaged, the rmsd can be isolated specifying multiple levels of Part. Then map...
This example equation (by Frank Kampas) was created using Ctrl+_ to get into Subscript position, right arrow to get back out and Equilibrium symbol entered as Esc equi Esc. Just copy...
Starting with Piecewise functions in terms of v = x*y[mcode]goldPremiumFunction = Piecewise[{    {400, 0
CityData and CountryData property "Coordinates" gives results in lat-long, but the "Coordinates" property does not have have any built-in projection syntax. GeoGridPosition converts lat-long coordinates into {longitude, latitude} needed for display...
First suggestion is, break the problem up into small steps. Also, once you have located the files, then Import does not care that they are spread out over many sub-directores. This is how I would approch the example provided by dr.nb. I am not a big...
What was the expected value for close on {2014, 5, 2}