User Portlet User Portlet

Hopefully right out of the box, your client ap servers should to able to integrate Wolfram Cloud backend IA services, which would include authentication of Wolfram Cloud objects, etc.
Sign in (or create an account) on the [Wolfram User Portal][1]. On the My Products and Services page there should be an Upgrade Available link, or contact [Wolfram Sales][2]. [1]: [2]:...
Can you provide some sample Wolfram Language code that sets up and calls a Smartsheet API? It would be helpful to have examples that would work with the trial version of Smartsheet and demonstrate the API techniques that you mention under both the...
One possibility is to convert each equation to a graphic: Rasterize[TraditionalForm[HoldForm[(5 + (7 - 8))*6 == 24]]] Any of the [HTTPResponse][1] functions found in its documentation examples should also work as a FormPage second argument....
Turn off "AutoSubmitting": {"first" -> Restricted["Integer", {1, 9}], "AutoSubmitting" -> False|>, ... } See [FormObject][1] documentation and also this Wolfram Community [answer][2]. [1]:...
UploadedFile interpreter: [Can I use file upload in a FormPage? If so, how does it work?][1] FormFunction example: [It's raining crystal structures: Cloud-based VASP viewer][2] [1]: ...
It may well be quite easy to do what you are trying to do. To quickly find out if this is so, provide a URLExecute that demonstrates a successful API call from a Mathematica notebook to the [Neo4j 7-Day Sandbox][1]. Please also mention any required...
For applications google: page rank quantum stochastic walk
Thanks for the link to your StackExchange post, which gives this recipe: Inside a text cell start an inline cell: `Insert > Typesetting > Start Inline Cell`, enter hyperlink: Hyperlink["Example Domain", ""] select...
Perhaps you could post your code and a screenshot of its output?