User Portlet User Portlet

Diego Zviovich
Hi Sjoerd, I've only shown one of the targets. There are seven targets that were scanned and used to create the distribution. files = FileNames[ "C:\\Users\\Diego\\Documents\\Documents\\Shooting\\10 yds\\scan*.jpg"]; imgs =...
Marco, loved the color palette and the data analysis. The following is a posting from last year reagarding [dangerous intersections in Atlanta.][1] [1]:
[@Marco Thiel][at0] , you are indeed fast. My take on the graph of characters, leaving the conversations between characters. data = SemanticImport[ "c:\\Users\\Diego\\Downloads\\will_play_text.csv", Automatic, "Rows",...
Is the problem statement such that trucks need to visit first port 1 then port 2 then port 3 and finally port 4 in that order?
Two out of three points addressed: AxesType -> "Star" no longer removes circular gridlines Mesh -> All and Joined->False for display by points enabled. RadarChart[{{2, 2, 4, 1, 3}, {4, 3, 6, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 7., 4}}, ChartLegends...
PageSpeed Insights gives me an index of 50/100 for the community site vs 73/100 for
![enter image description here][2] A friend of mine pointed to a very interesting article regarding "the golden cohort", a slice of the UK population that is living longer and healthier than the groups both above and below their age. ...
Hi Vitaly, I copied the posting in github as is. The only thing that did not convert was the table :(.
Fantastic stuff Arnoud! I did try to play around with ta similar concept using the Landsat information ( using the earth explorer app. Mathematica is such a wonderful tool! More details in the use of Landsat images. ...
Thank you for the posting Alan, it is most helpful!