User Portlet User Portlet

Emerson Willard
Import of XLSX now works. form9=FormFunction[{"data"->"XLSX"},(CloudPut[#data,"myfile9"];"Completed")&] CloudDeploy[form9]
Look at the normal form of your data you have a list of Associations not an Association of Associations. You will not be able to set the value in your case. Taliesin Beynon explains some of the different possible data structures and different uses of...
Your function implicitly assumes the input will be a string; however, when you make a choice in your form "a" is returned as an entity and not as a string. You need to reformulate your planetDistance function to operate on an entity rather than a...
Import the the file and then use [DatabinUpload][1] [1]: [2]:
You should always plot a graph when doing any solving type activity. Some of your equations have two solutions as I alluded to before. When you use find root you will get one of them and this may not be the same one excel gets. Use solve to get both....
The following will work with the DS18B20 but you will have to consult the DHT22 specifications in order to get your digital signal. This code saves the temperature along with the memory in use to a new Databin. You will need to enter your password...
I suggest you make use of DateObject and named parts (Keys). Generally, I prefer to work without the Dataset wrapper and I also have changed the first date in your sample data to improve clarity. olddata = { "1008", "dateMMa" ->...
To begin with, try localhost and don't worry about the attributes. Enter your user name and password. The available databases should then be available to select. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Import ------ Create a new directory for your project and upload your csv file. ![enter image description here][1] Create a new notebook and use NotebookDirectory and FileNames to get the path to your file. ![enter image description here][2] ...
Yes, as long as the bees have not heard about Black Swans.