User Portlet User Portlet

I have been taking courses on complexity explorer, this course is a useful introduction. I really enjoyed the course. Lots of connected ideas of the interdependent fields. I got my first introduction to Wolfram programming language during this...
That is useful to know about IGReorderVertices, thanks.
This paper shows the relationship between complexity and the graph automorphism group size: Correlation of Automorphism Group Size and Topological Properties with Program-size Complexity Evaluations of Graphs and Complex Networks H. Zenil, F....
Very nice post. You may find interesting that this is the first part (almost step by step) of a [paper I wrote][1] 7 years ago in the Complex Systems journal. With a much further improvement in another paper published in the journal of Bifurcation...
So Chris, for fast pitch recognition use a Sliding DFT (SDFT) to calculate a continuous time-frequency spectrogram. The sliding DFT allows you to recursively generate your next spectrum bin using the previous bin giving you a new spectrum every...
hi. my name is Herman. I work in the field of design and manufacture of industrial machinery. Visit my blog at to see my machine design. thanks.
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Dear Marco: Very neat indeed. Algorithmic complexity approximated by uncompressibility tests has proven to be a quite successful method in several practical areas of research. I would only add for the sake of others, that it is not only because it...