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The [Algorithmic Information Dynamics course][1] promoted and distributed by the Santa Fe Institute is coming to an end. Sponsored by Wolfram Research, the course students made heavy use of the **Wolfram Language** to follow lectures, read, write and...
Yes, good catch, the ToUndirectedGraph must have been something written pre Mathematica 8 when the built-in function was introduced. Nice to hear the proposal found some echo from others.
Not related to the complexity of the graph but to the time complexity of determining graph isomorphism. For example, to generate the isomorphism group may be only feasible by brute force, but the algorithmic complexity of the whole process is minimal...
Very nice post. You may find interesting that this is the first part (almost step by step) of a [paper I wrote][1] 7 years ago in the Complex Systems journal. With a much further improvement in another paper published in the journal of Bifurcation...
Dear Marco: Very neat indeed. Algorithmic complexity approximated by uncompressibility tests has proven to be a quite successful method in several practical areas of research. I would only add for the sake of others, that it is not only because it...
Christopher, To upload the datapoints have you tried using Compress? If the resultant string is not too long you can post it and people can Decompress it.
As Todd points out WordData is a great place to start. There is also DictionaryLookup that is simpler but brings word lists in about 30 languages. I worked personally on implementing both functions for Mathematica and I wrote a blog post showing some...
Hello. I have been associated to Wolfram since 2006. I have been involved in various projects in the company including some related to languages and computational linguistics, and basic and applied research. I am based in the UK but I often travel...