User Portlet User Portlet

Hello Eric, Based on your suggestion that the x means that the interpreter seems to see a multiplication, I went ahead and tried different scenarios and indeed whenever an implicit multiplication was a possibility, the x would appear. That solves...
As I played more with my problem, I decided to convert my Dataset to its Normal form as a local Association variable in the function using Module so: f[dataset_Dataset] := Module[{localVar = dataset // Normal}, .......]; In this way, I now deal...
Thank you Rohit. I will go back and reread that part of the documentation.
Rohit, I now have a further question. Join[d1,d2] works great. But how would I Join N files whose names are in a list. For example, assume I have filenames = {fn1,fn2,fn3,fn4,..fnN} I could use a loop that reads each csv file as a Dataset and...
I am providing the file. The problem is that others seem to be able to read that file using SemanticImport[]. When I edit the sample file so that it has 200 rows rather than the 257, I am able to read it directly with SemanticImport[] but beyond...
After thinking a bit about it I think that I might actually have an answer to my own question. I think I have been thinking the wrong way about Mathematica's capabilities with respect to events. As usual, Mathematica surprises me with its approach to...
I will do that though I have read a lot about patterns. In any case, something that would be great would be a repository of patterns. Some already exist in the documentation, but we would need more. I know that with regular expressions there are...
In the past when I would type 1+1 and hit SHIFT ENTER I would get out[some number]= 2 Now I get out[some number] 2 Note the extra empty line after the out[number] Did I inadvertently change...
Thank you again Rohit, That was what I thought I might have to do. I will use that approach.
Thank you very much Rohit! I will apply your solution to my problem. As a non-technical question, are you a Wolfram employee and if so, is your role to scan questions and answer them? You seem to have so many answers to my questions. Finally, do...