User Portlet User Portlet

Hello Eric, I apologize for the long delay in my response, I want to see the index because in my stock Dataset I have a field called "Index". My algorithms use that index and when something goes wrong (or seems to go wrong) with the calculations I...
I have financial data in the form of a Dataset representing a set of candlesticks. Each candlestick is a Dataset with fields "Index","Date","Open","High","Low","Close" and "Volume". I represent the candlesticks with a Graph where each vertex is...
Hello Michael, Thank you very much for the information.This solves this issue for me. Given that I can obtain the function tree of a particular function, I wonder if there is a tool that would be able to then automatically write the usage header in...
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone out there had written algorithms to find Elliott Waves in a stock data display. I have written algorithms (for the fun of it) to find all the potential Elliott Waves in a candlestick chart and to represent...
I use the Echo[] function in order to help debug my code. However, I don't always want to execute an Echo[x] where x might be a variable (or expression) of interest. With that goal in mind, I created the function If[flag == True, ...
Hello Rohit, Sure: First, here is my connection string:` private const string ConnectionString = @"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog = StockDataDB; Integrated Security = True; Connect Timeout = 30; Encrypt=False"; ` Then, here...
Hello Eric. Thank you for your suggestion. After thinking it over, I tend to agree with you that my isValidDatasetQ logic should be somewhere else rather than in checking the arguments during the function call. I mark your suggestion as an answer....
Here is something I am trying to understand. Say you have a function F[inputFfile_String] which takes a file (say a CSV file) and processes it by generating an output file (say, another CSV file). Now the input file is located in the notebook...
Hello all, I have been working on technical analysis algorithms since the year 2000. As an Electrical Engineer with a Ph.D., with a specialization in signal processing and Pattern Recognition as well as 18 years of teaching Computer Science at a...
Hello Eric, Based on your suggestion that the x means that the interpreter seems to see a multiplication, I went ahead and tried different scenarios and indeed whenever an implicit multiplication was a possibility, the x would appear. That solves...