User Portlet User Portlet

FindIsomorphicSubgraph[g1,g2] finds a subgraph of g1 that is isomorphic to g2. That is a great addition. It seems to do its calculations simply based on vertices and their interconnections. My question is this: Is there a version or some sort of...
Please see my question in the form of a Notebook. It seems that at least sometimes, TradingChart and InteractiveTradingChart do not display the candlesticks correctly! &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:...
Hello Rohit, Now, that would make sense. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks Henrick
Hello Mike, Collaboration is always good in my book. Pease realize that though proficient in C#, I am not so with Mathematica. I started with Mathematica about 6 years ago and it has been in fits and starts. I would get discouraged by how different...
Hello Rohit. Yes, the full range of data is plotted, but what you show in the last 3 binarized images is not what I wish for. In your last images, the Minimum Y coordinate (leftmost point in images 1, 3rd point in images 2 and 3) should be on the X...
Thank you Rohit and Henrik, Rohit's solution does pretty much what I want. When I use Henrik's solution I get no Frame. This works: ListLinePlot[shortCoordinates[[n]], ImageSize -> {128, 128}, Frame -> False, Axes -> False,...
Thank you so much Rohit. You helped me notice something that somehow I had missed. Towards the end of the example in the documentation they use the Part approach and I guess my mind got stuck on it, I was simply surprised when I noticed that the [ ]...
I agree. I will try, in the future, to be much more descriptive and to, when possible, provide code.
Thank you Rohit. I will take a look at it. At first sight it looks promising.
Is it possible to update a classifier function by giving it new training data. For example, given the statement: c = Classify[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -> {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}] Is it possible to update c with new learning data with something like: ...