User Portlet User Portlet

Jason Biggs
Use `Row` to join non-string characters: Row[{Subscript["C", 6], Subscript[Style["H", Blue], 14]}] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
[@Michael Hale][at0] This is great! Does CP2K run the dynamics as well - so you only need to input the initial configuration? How does Blender come in to play? If you CP2K makes cube files, you can read those into *Mathematica* to plot them. ...
>For loops and Do loops are inefficient in Mathematica. Better to use functions like Table. There are many reasons to avoid the `For` loop in favor of the `Do` loop, outlined pretty well [in this...
>I guess I lack the mental capacity to memorize unordered sets of page-addresses, You don't have to, that's what we have computers for :-) >I got used to tables of contents because writers for thousands of years have been putting tables of...
I don't have experience with LISP, but I do know there are several options for controlling the evaluation process. You want to look at functions like [`Defer`](,...
Possibly helpful:
Thanks for pointing this out. The issue seems to stem from ``` In[27]:= Entity["Chemical", "Crepenynate"]["FormulaString"] Out[27]= "C18H30O2" In[26]:= Entity["Chemical", "Crepenynate"]["VertexTypes"] // Tally Out[26]= {{"C", 18}, {"O",...
Now you want to narrow down the problem. Do you get a `String` back from the inner command? ``` WikipediaData["computers"] ``` Can you make a word cloud from a random string? ``` WordCloud["this is a string, the string has words"] ```
[@John Hendrickson][at0] the reason there isn't a 3D plot for silver nitrate is that there are no 3D coordinates. You can check this via ``` In[99]:= ChemicalData["AgNO3", "AtomPositions"] Out[99]= Missing["NotApplicable"] ``` One of the...
A quick way to delete the central atom from your plot: plot = CrystalPlot[ ....]; DeleteCases[plot, Tooltip[_, 8], Infinity] ![enter image description here][1] If you need to renumber the atoms, then you can adjust your...