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Your triple integration is Integrate[xy*sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2),Element[{x,y,z}, ImplicitRegion[z>=sqrt(x^2+y^2)&&x^2+y^2+z^2 Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], x^2 + y^2 + z^2
Here is a is another way: 2 Integrate[f, {\[Theta]1, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, {\[Theta]2, 0, \[Theta]1}] And another: Integrate[Integrate[FullSimplify[f], {\[Theta]2, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, Assumptions -> 0 200] ![3D plot of function][1] ...
That chat seems to require a phone number to register which seems totally unnecessary. So, no thanks.
Neil Singer gave you good advice in checking out the fit. It just turned out that an even smaller value of `diffusion` is needed. nMax = 5; L = 0.05484; nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data1, 2 Sqrt[diffusion]*x*(1/L)*(Pi^(-0.5) + ...
The brute force way is to save that code (say to `x`). Then look at "parts" until you find what you want. In this case `x[[1,3]]` gets you the `TableForm`. The more direct approach is to use `Cases`: Cases[x, _TableForm, Infinity] I...
Your conjecture appears to be true. Here's a visual approach: Show[Plot[{-Sqrt[u^3], Sqrt[u^3]}, {u, 0, 2}, PlotStyle -> Red, Filling -> {1 -> {{2}, {LightRed, Transparent}}}, Frame -> True], ContourPlot[expression1[u, v],...
What do you mean by polynomial form? For your example do you want to end up with 9 + 32 x + 2 x^2? If so, the command would be Numerator[Together[(2x+5)/(4x-3)-(3x+3)/(7x)]] One would use the minus sign rather than the equal sign.
For whatever it's worth I have no problem with multiple posts. All you should do is put a link in each post to the other post.
The data is what is important. Forcing data to look normal to meet assumptions of a statistical procedure can be putting emphasis on the wrong thing. It's maybe the statistical procedure that should be modified.
I'm sorry the author of that comment has such limited experience. If they had access to your hex output they should have seen that there really weren't any such reals or double precision numbers. Many of the bytes were nulls and just a few ")",...