User Portlet User Portlet

A brute force way is to plug in integer values for $x$ and $y$ and you'll find that $f(x)=0$ for even $x$. For odd $x$ you'll find that $f(x)=-2 i^{x+1}$. One such real valued function that has such properties is $\sin \left(\frac{\pi ...
I think a direct integration over the conditioned area works: (* Set parameters *) m = 1/16; t = 3/4; (* Mean by integration *) bMean = Integrate[b, {a, m, m + 1}, {b, 0, Min[a/t, 1]}]/ Integrate[1, {a,...
There are not enough `PlotPoints`. Try Plot[Sum[i, {i, 1, n}], {n, 1, 50}, PlotPoints -> 100] or ListStepPlot[Table[Sum[i, {i, 1, n}], {n, 1, 50}]]
Think about it a bit more. Yes, it isn’t the result that you expected. Note that your “data” is clearly contrived and not a random sample from any distribution. You’ve purposely made the “data” perfectly symmetric about the mean. Why would you...
You don't mention the steps you followed when using `InstallR`, but when I followed the documentation in `RLink/tutorial/ConfigureExternalRInstallation`, I was able to load already installed libraries. I used the following for an older version of...
Which is best depends on what you mean by "best", your subject matter, and your objective. Because you appear to be selecting between a Gamma and a Nakagami distribution, I would assume that there is no theoretical reason for either. As Henrik...
Would you edit the code so that it can be pasted into a notebook? Alternatively, attaching a notebook would be helpful. What you've given is missing a few backslashes. For example: `[Alpha]` instead of `\[Alpha]`.
I'm not understanding or believing what you mean by "Sometimes the PDF is plotted at different scale...." Could you give an example? Also, adding "PlotRange -> All" will fix any cropping of the PDF.
That message is a "warning" rather than an "error" as you see you still get a good fit. However, the underlying reason for the warning is that your model is overparametersized. If you look at the parameter correlation matrix you see the following: ...
When using the command with symbolic parameters for a normal distribution KolmogorovSmirnovTest[data, NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]], "TestData"] you are testing whether the data comes from a normal distribution. That is the...