User Portlet User Portlet

Think about it a bit more. Yes, it isn’t the result that you expected. Note that your “data” is clearly contrived and not a random sample from any distribution. You’ve purposely made the “data” perfectly symmetric about the mean and all values but...
Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, InstallR seems to be directed toward the "default" R (4.3.3) that's installed on the server, i.e. the version that opens if one types "R" in the command terminal. It continues to do so even though I...
Which is best depends on what you mean by "best", your subject matter, and your objective. Because you appear to be selecting between a Gamma and a Nakagami distribution, I would assume that there is no theoretical reason for either. As Henrik...
omgg thank you so much!!!
I'm not understanding or believing what you mean by "Sometimes the PDF is plotted at different scale...." Could you give an example? Also, adding "PlotRange -> All" will fix any cropping of the PDF.
So the error message you got usually means that the optimization algorith(nonlinearmodelfit) had some difficullty on converging to a solution.Here are a coupple points you could use to adress this issue. Initial Parameter Guesses: Ensure that the...
It seems to me that the problem lies with `Integrate` with parameters, rather than with `Probability`. In the following examples the result depends on how we specify the integration region and on the assumptions on the parameter: dist =...
Dear Jim, thanks a lot for the answer! &[Wolfram Notebook][1]Concerning the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test against s specific distribution with specified parameters: In the literature, I found that instead of the Kolmogorov distribution FK(x) it is...
OK. I see you've added those values.
Use `Hypergeometric2F1` rather than `HyperGeometric2F1`.