User Portlet User Portlet

John Fultz
If the ShowPredictiveInterface option is set to False on the Input cell, then you won't get any predictions.  For example, add this to the code in the Input cell: CurrentValue[EvaluationCell[], ShowPredictiveInterface] = False; It's...
The output of Manipulate doesn't happen as a result of evaluation.  It happens as a result of formatting.  You can see, for example, that the output of MakeBoxes[Manipulate[x, {x, 0, 1}]] is a set of boxes for an interface, not for...
newNB = CreateWindow[{}] NotebookWrite[newNB, Cell[BoxData@ToBoxes@Defer@Module[{x, y, z}, z = x y; Sin[z]], "Input"]]
They're identical.  ButtonNotebook was the original name and is kept around for legacy purposes, but EvaluationNotebook is a better name because the concept is appropriate for use in many places other than buttons.
Mark's suggestion is elegant and simple, and I'm ashamed that I didn't think of it at first.  But it can be difficult to apply to arbitrary inputs.  Here's a response I just sent to MathGroup which is more complex and relies on some knowledge...
The answer is "no" to both questions.
Here is our version. Browsers’ data are sorted alphabetically per month. I couldn't figure out how to include missing data so that the last segment wasn't filled. It's much more useful with our choice of colors. I found...