User Portlet User Portlet

John Fultz
I'm not aware of a way to be notified. The download mechanism is robust...there's no damage if you quit Mathematica while a download is occurring.
Many people are probably aware of this, but for those who aren't, checkout [this Community thread][1] where I posted a followup on this issue. [1]:
The issue with \\[NegativeVeryThinSpace], as well as corresponding issues with the other negative spacing characters, has been fixed for the 10.0.1 release. Which I can't put a precise date on, yet, but you'll probably see it sometime next month.
Yes, there is some of the information you can get to programmatically (and even triggered using `Dynamic`). But it's undocumented and should not be considered an interface that will be stable through future versions. ...
Back in the olden days, `LinkConnect[_LinkObject]` was the way you connected a link, and it was the top-level equivalent of the C `MLConnect()` function. Then it was decided that `LinkOpen` was insufficiently sugary, and we needed the more...
In the upcoming releases, desktop versions will have full access to your cloud file system.  But it won't be a file-sync service like Dropbox.  It will be a system where the desktop can directly access your cloud store, including the ability to...
I agree with Andre that, if the semantic meaning of the multi-letter strings is to multiply single-letter variables together, you should use InvisibleTimes.  Even if these equations are not meant to be evaluated, somebody may very well copy and paste...
Here's the mapping for the triples in the first argument of FilledCurve: [mcode]commandToPrimitive[{type_, numPoints_, degree_}, pts_] := Switch[type, 0, Line[pts], 1, BezierCurve[pts, SplineDegree -> degree], 3, BSplineCurve[pts,...
In answer to your questions: * Yes, you should remove the ScheduledTask.  I knew you already knew to do that, and just didn't add it to my code to help make the other parts clear.  Plus, it really annoys me that ScheduledTasks aren't self-removing...
You can use CellFrameMargins to push the dingbat inside of the background-painted region.  E.g., CellPrint[ Cell["Test", "ItemNumbered", Background -> Orange, CellFrameMargins -> {{25, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}]]