User Portlet User Portlet

I see many errors here. When using *Mathematica*, you should test each function before using it as a building block. For example, try typing `laplaceTBNAB[1]`. You've done an excellent job of factoring the problem, so this approach to debugging...
I see the ??€ symbol from your file using either the default (UTF-8) or ISOLatin1 encodings. *Mathematica" 11.3 on MacOSX.
See "guide/ListingOfNamedCharacters" in the documentation center.
It makes no sense to localize `x` and `y` with `Module`. They get rewritten from the arguments, so `g[4,1]` produces `Module[{4,1},...]`, which then can't be evaluated. It might make sense to localize `z` and `c`, except that they are unnecessary....
You're trying too hard to map *Mathematica* onto Lisp. `Hold` is actually the easiest kind of quote to understand: it simply persists, visibly, until some rewrite (usually performed by `ReleaseHold`) removes it. You don't need this persistence in...
Since we were discussing `Apply` in another thread, consider coding it in *Mathematica*. apply[f_, _[args___]] := f[args] The `SetDelayed` machinery rewrites this a bit, and puts it into the database of downvalues keyed by the head `apply`....
Well, one problem is: n = 20; ETA = f = G = H = Error = Table[0, {n + 10}]; Print[Error[[j]] = 1 - G[[20]], " ", 0.01*j, " ", j]; `j` runs from 1 to 99, but `Error` only has 30 elements. This code is almost...
On your paper, you have `x` as the variable of integration, which makes sense. Do that in your code. Define your function `lowerlimit` using `Piecewise`, `Condition`, or even `If`. Then your expression will, given a value for `r`, yield a result.
If you wish to get advice, post your code. Remember that *Mathematica* is an expression rewriting language. Consider your code: NonlinearModelFit[data, (efvc), {A}, {n, m, u}] `NonlinearModelfit` works by substituting values for the...
I do this frequently. The easy way is to define a function that deconstructs a single composite argument with a pattern: f[{a_, b_}] := {a + 1, b + a} Nest[f, {0, 0}, 10] (* {10, 45} *) If I'm feeling fussy, I'll use a custom...