User Portlet User Portlet

So, it appears that your real problem is that you had a bad definition for `a`. Perhaps something like: a := 1 + a That will cause a `$RecursionLimit` error if you evaluate `a`. It is good practice when you have a problem like this to quit...
The sine function is `Sin`, not `sin`.
My Japanese isn't as good as your English, so I'll try to answer in English. I don't know about Raspberry Pi, but on Ubuntu it's a bit limited. If *Mathematica* had ??? messages, `LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 export LANG` should turn them on, but that doesn't...
One way: define a "wrapper" for special relativistic vectors, and define its behavior under the usual operations with upvalues. srv[x1_, y1_, z1_, t1_].srv[x2_, y2_, z2_, t2_] ^:= x1 x2 + y1 y2 + z1 z2 - t1 t2 Check that it has the...
*Mathematica* is an expression rewriting language. Rules and definitions basically say "See this? Rewrite as that.". And then, once it has done the rewrite, it re-evaluates the resulting expression. So, what you want doesn't seem to be anything...
Daniel, I think this is a case where the documentation is a bit hard to penetrate. `Root` is overloaded, and this type of `Root` uses `Function` objects, displayed with `#` and `&`, unfamiliar notation to many. The secrets are partly revealed in the...
A bit of impetuous formal manipulation perhaps illuminates. In the integrand `(1/g) (dg/dx) dx`, the `dx` cancel, leaving `dg/g`. The dependence on x has disappeared. This doesn’t happen with the integrand you want to integrate, so the integral...
The integral of a Chebyshev series may be expressed as another Chebyshev series using the identities [here][1] supplemented with `Integrate[ChebyshevT[0, x], x] == ChebyshevT[1, x]` and `Integrate[ChebyshevT[1, x], x] == (ChebyshevT[2, x]...
`MatrixForm {m}` means "multiply `MatrixForm` by a list containing `m`. You probably intended `MatrixForm[m]`.
If you do something like: x=1 That means "whenever you see `x`, replace it with `1`". You thus cannot subsequently use `x` as a free variable in your session.