User Portlet User Portlet

*Mathematica* is a language for recognizing expressions by structure and rewriting them according to rules. This is very different from the sort of procedural languages you are familiar with. Something like: a["state"] = 4 simply means...
Closely related to [Kepler's Equation][1]. [1]:
p = {Subscript[T, 1] -> 5.0`20, Subscript[n, 1] -> 10.0`20, Subscript[c, 1] -> 1.4`20, Subscript[T, 2] -> 5.0`20, Subscript[n, 2] -> 10.0`20, Subscript[c, 2] -> 1.4`20, Subscript[T, 3] -> 5.0`20, Subscript[n, 3] ->...
Because `yx=expr` means "evaluate `expr` and set the value of `y` to it". If `expr` contains evaluatable subexpressions, they will be evaluated. Here, you're setting `P` **after** evaluating the expression that contains it. If `P` already had a value...
Default number of decimal digits displayed is six. There are many ways to display more, for example: NumberForm[29204.24 - 5840.85, 7] yields 23363.39 Approximate numbers (anything with a decimal point) use an internal binary...
I think you must already have given `b` a value. Try `Clear[b]`, or, better, work in a fresh kernel.
Navigator's tools. Notice the blip during WWII: WordFrequencyPlot[{"sextant", "chronometer", "compass", "pelorus", "almanac"}, "Scaling" -> "Log"] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
When you get more elaborate, the order of evaluation matters. `Plot` apparently needs to peek at complicated arguments to understand what to do. So, this works: Plot[Evaluate[Table[Labeled[f[x], a], {a, {1, 30, 100}}]], {x, 0, 3}]
For characters that are part of ASCII, the UTF-8 encoding is identical, so nothing changes. For characters that are not part of ASCII, the UTF-8 codes have no representation in ASCII. Therefore, what you ask is either trivial or impossible.
Your calculations use `NIntegrate`, a numerical method. Symbolic differentiation cannot handle a numerical function.