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Kay Herbert
I would add that it appears to me to be a set of linear equations. I suspect that LinearSolve would handle this much more efficient
I think your problem is the initial condition z(0) = 0 which make dz/dt(0) blow up for any nonzero Phi1 and Phi2(0)=0
All depends, but usually you get an answer if it exists. Example: In[9]:= Solve[w == (z - z0)/Abs[z] + 1/(z Abs[z]), z] Out[9]= {{z -> (z0 - Sqrt[-4 - 4 w + z0^2])/(2 (1 + w))}, {z -> ( z0 + Sqrt[-4 - 4 w + z0^2])/( ...
perhaps there is just a constant factor missing in your pdf under the integral. A pdf integrated over the entire domain should equal 1.
Well, 10009 now!
Hi, Does the integral of this function even exist over infinite domains? You have an equation == in your integral?
Vitaliy, nice, but I don't really understand the alpha call: WolframAlpha["ukraine syria", {{"PopularityPod:WikipediaStatsData", 1}, "ComputableData"}] Is there documentation for this? what other sources are available but...
I think this is where a Wiener Filter might work. In essence you want to take advantage of the fact that the cross-correlation between your EEG signal and the MRI noise is very small. You also know the auto-correlation of of an EEG signal without...
Here is another implementation: Somewhere I found (a couple of years ago) another really good implementation, but I can't find it right now (it was only a couple of lines of code!
I see the same thing (10.2 on windows) Aspect ratio seems to do it: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=7502Capture.PNG&userId=81318