User Portlet User Portlet

Kuba Podkalicki
This seems to be answered here: - [Variable scope similar to other languages]( but often all you need is to write packages: - [Creating...
There is an image from Shortcuts documentation attached to the SE post I linked. And it suggests they work on Linux and macOS. p.s. you may also be interested in:
Here, is an alternative to the `PageWidth -> Inifnity`: Style[ StringJoin[RandomChoice[Characters["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwz"], 200]], LineBreakWithin -> False ]
Any updates on Modelica.Fluid? Afaict it still isn't there, right?
I don't have a lot of experience in web dev so I am not sure what you can do to 'protect the url' but among other things you'd have to synchronize your authentication system with `Permissions` of that CloudCDF. Maybe there is a simpler way, I...
This package ("MoreCalculus\`") is a very simple one, it only introduces `DChange` function and there is not built-in `DChange` symbol so you don't need to worry about it. Will there ever be a built-in `DChange` symbol? Who knows, maybe, maybe...
Nothing fancier but you can use this:
What does it exactly do? What do you expect to find in the repository?
Thanks. Overlay corrected so you can rotate it live now :)