User Portlet User Portlet

Matthias Odisio
Thank you very much. I guess I can consider this problem as solved. Cheers, Peter
Maybe try MorphologicalPerimeter before ImageFeatureTrack?
As you found out, WatershedComponents typically over-segments, yielding too many "regions" as you call them, or components to follow our terminology. To overcome the issue, you can pre-process the image, or use markers --- the documentation shows...
Can someone please explain this to me? Running PCA in SPSS spits out the component scores for each variable. How can I get something that looks similar?
[@chagay chagay][at0] , is this homework? Since I think it's homework, I'll just say that you can cast this problem as an inverse convolution problem, and will leave the explanation open for now. `ImageDeconvolve` looks reasonable fine: ...
Thanks for reporting Marco. We have become aware of a regression bug in HighlightImage in 10.3. Annoying indeed. On OS X 10.10.5 and Mathematica 10.3, FindFaces works as expected as far as I can tell. The face is detected, and it's the...
Wow! Yet more loss in readability, but a huge(!) gain in performance. The latter is worth it because the array transformation is an inner loop. I appreciate this very much. -- Mark
Jakie, You want to use FindGeometricTransform with the Method option value "ImageAlign".  This feature is present in version 9 and appears in the future documentation: ...
Happy New  Year! That's entertaining! For the record, one can get the points coordinates simply by: points = PixelValuePositions[Binarize@Rasterize[string, "Image"], 0];