User Portlet User Portlet

Matthias Odisio
While it isn't a direct implementation, tf.slim is building a nice repository of published networks. It may be a great starting point to re-implement them in WL, since slim is designed for readability. ...
@Matthias Odisio. I am very sorry. I totally missed your question/reply. Yes, I believe a correlation on a pair of flattened lists of pixel value of Red/Green for instance will do. Thank you so much!
@Henrik Schachner.Thank you so much. It really feels great to see how the Wolfram community works!
I see. Good luck with the further optimization!
![enter image description here][3] - you earned "Featured Contributor" badge, congratulations ! This is a great post and it has been selected for the curated [Staff Picks][1] group. [Your profile][2] is now distinguished by a "Featured...
Your 1D approach can be extended to 2D. Alternatively, you can specify range of positions with `ImageValue[image, {xmin ;; xmax, ymin;; ymax}]`.
How could this be done using Setterbar?
Hughes, This sketch uses `Erosion` with a kernel that has the size of your small images: pills = Binarize[i]; res = Erosion[pills, BoxMatrix[radii], Padding -> 0]; pos = PixelValuePositions[res, 1]; These positions `pos` are...
![enter image description here][3] - you earned "Featured Contributor" badge, congratulations ! This is a great post and it has been selected for the curated [Staff Picks][1] group. [Your profile][2] is now distinguished by a "Featured...