User Portlet User Portlet

Matthias Odisio
Raymond, does the following give what you want? l = {{a, {a, a}}, {b, {b, {b}}}, {c, {c, {c, {c, c}}}}}; Flatten[Map[Flatten[#, Depth[#] - 3] &, l], 1] (* {a, {a, a}, b, b, {b}, c, c, c, {c, c}} *)
Thanks for taking the time to elaborate these details. Merci !
Yes, indeed. Kudos to @b3m2a1. I am still working through the stackexchange link's other undocumented features. It looks like a gold mine. Thanks.
Alright, I can indeed reproduce---sending to support right away. Thanks!
This is useful information, Neil. I ended up with this simple, non-optimal, algorithm: 1. Cluster all stops according to their nearest depot 2. Within each cluster, start a route taking the furthest stop and greedily adding the nearest stops...
Kudos to all developers! This is very useful for folks who have access to both systems.
Finite difference method is used for image compression ( ) and ( ) and ( ). First formed...
Thanks for the link! Yes, style transfer can yield pretty cool results. Such deep learning methods are trainable with the Wolfram Language. Soon enough there will be a net model doing that in Mathematica.
Thanks for the post Matthias! This is a beautiful example of a self-similar structure. Unfortunately I only had time for a very quick test right now, but if we use more box sizes (a proper way would be to pad the image when necessary), we get a...
Oh oh, I hope the first picture was taken after the flooded one. Are you trying to find a geometrical transformation that would align these two images so that you can measure the level of water, etc.? If so, give a shot at...