User Portlet User Portlet

Matthias Odisio
Happy New  Year! That's entertaining! For the record, one can get the points coordinates simply by: points = PixelValuePositions[Binarize@Rasterize[string, "Image"], 0];
Jari, It is true that ImageKeypoints uses SURF, but ImageFeatureTrack does not. Conceptually, ImageFeatureTrack uses corners. Matthias
Andrew, There are many people who could help you here, but you may want to provide an example to ground your claim. I do not see a problem with this: [mcode]In[366]:= image = Image[{{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}}, ColorSpace -> "RGB"]; ...
David, Your assumption is reasonable. But in practice, the implementation may not meet such criterion due to a variety of factors like for example the need for speed and the sampling of the scale space.  The value of ImageKeypoints lies in the many...
For my very problem, speed is not an issue. I was hoping to discover an elegant alternative way, perhaps using an arcane (for me) syntactic form of Flatten, Replace, or other related functions. Paritosh's solution expresses well that I would like...
I need a loose replication of [url=]this plot[/url] from Wikipedia. My best attempt so far seems to have some unwanted padding around the vector plot, on the bottom layer. [b]Am...