User Portlet User Portlet

Martijn Froeling
As far as i know, this is how it works: - first come column specs which can be a list of a spec per column, then come rows, then come specific rules for elements - Column styles go before row styles, so a row style will not override a column...
Will be very difficult to correctly export this figure correctly, too many different substructures that can all have their issues. Make one Grid is much easier array = Prepend[Transpose[Prepend[Correlation[Most /@ g[[1]]], h]], ...
When defining function i make use of `SyntaxInfromation` a lot for front-end highlighting of inputs. I know I can use `ArgumentsOptions` and `CheckArguments` to do internal validation of the input. However, I do also like for the front-end to...
Your code initializes with k and fluxdiff being numbers but after one iteration k and fluxdiff are lists. Your while condition specifies fluxdiff >0.0001. But {number} > 0.001 will stop the iterations. For the second iteration, your code crashes...
Times is evaluated first before Distribute so you are evaluating Distribute[List[a, b, c] List[a, b, c], List] which gives {{a^2, b^2, c^2}} To get what you want you need to keep Times unevaluated. ...
LiftingWaveletTransform i think but that does not support MeyerWavelet. With DiscreteWaveletTransform only the HaarWavelet gives the 2^r dimensions. In[280]:= test = RandomReal[{0, -10}, 128]; dwd = DiscreteWaveletTransform[test,...
When gridlines are defined that are outside the PlotRange the plot area is extended. Not sure when this started to happen (currently under 13.0.1), but it was not like this before. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
If you really want to be lazy, Rasterize can convert any expression in the forntend to an Image So `AnimationVideo[Rasterize[whaterver]]` will always work. AnimationVideo[ Rasterize@ Region[RegionIntersection[Sphere[{0, 0, 0},...
Use Chop[] This sets all values
When you definve `v[t_]:=Integrate [f[t],t]` and you try to plot it you are basically solving for each t Plot[{ Integrate[f[0],0] Integrate[f[1],1] Integrate[f[2],2] ... }] That won't work, so...