User Portlet User Portlet

Dear Rohit Thank you very much.
Hi Henrik, It's exactly what I wanted. For use in a polygon with n sides. Thanks for your help. Saludos para Ti también.
Hi Rohit Thank you for your help.
Hello Friend! I'm grateful.
A minor, cosmetic, improvement (FrameMargins -> None): anima = False; Manipulate[ If[anima, ParametricPlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}], ""], Button["Iniciar/Detener", If[anima, anima = False, anima = True]], ...
By the way, these examples are where Mathematica has issue: InverseLaplaceTransform[1/(s^\[Alpha] - a), s, t] == t^(\[Alpha] - 1)*MittagLefflerE[\[Alpha], \[Alpha], a*t^\[Alpha]] InverseLaplaceTransform[s^\[Alpha]/(s*(s^\[Alpha] + a)), s,...
Reduce[Exp[x] f[x] > 3 Exp[x] + 1, f[x]] (E^x 0 &&    f[x] > E^-x (1 + 3 E^x))
Many examples here  and here and...