User Portlet
Discussions |
This procedure does not work for Mathematica 12.2 and later. |
Dear Rohit Thank you very much. |
Hi Henrik, It's exactly what I wanted. For use in a polygon with n sides. Thanks for your help. Saludos para Ti también. |
Hi Rohit Thank you for your help. |
(* This could help you *) Export["vectors9.gif", Animate[Show[ ParametricPlot3D[{10 Cos[t], 10 Sin[t], 0}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> {Dashed}, PlotRange -> {{-13, 13}, {-13, 13}, {-2, 2}}], Graphics3D[{ ... |
Thanks for your help. |
Why InverseLaplaceTransform[ArcTan[1/s], s, t] `Out[]= Sin[t]/t` works and InverseLaplaceTransform[ArcTan[s], s, t] does not work? |
Reduce[Exp[x] f[x] > 3 Exp[x] + 1, f[x]] (E^x 0 && f[x] > E^-x (1 + 3 E^x)) |
Graphics[Arrow[Circle[{0, 0}, 1, {Pi/4, 3 Pi/4}]]] |