User Portlet User Portlet

Mike Besso
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Anton: Thank you for continuing the discussion and providing resource functions for the more general use case. Have a great and safe holiday.
Ehud: What you came up with looks like a reasonable solution. What do you not like about it? If you would rather not use If[], then you can use pattern matched functions. Something like: respond[age_?NumericQ] := "You are " ...
Thanks José. You are correct on both counts (we are Skynet and the weather is out to get us). I know Stephen has done some behind the scenes work in movies. Perhaps it is time that he plays the super villain. :). James Bond would have...
Quinn: Wolfram's Entity Framework is a vast knowledge-base that provides us with computable data on a wide range of topics. However, it does not turn lat/longs into GeoPoints, which is what you need. Try this out (I also added some missing...
Check out the properties of the DiscreteWaveletData that is returned by DiscreteWaveletTransform. Make sure to expand the "Properties and Relations" section of the [documentation][1]. [1]:...
Leslaw: I think you mean "Infinity" not "infinity". Capitalization matters in the Wolfram Language. But, being symbolic means that you do not always get a helpful error message. Have a great and safe holiday.
Raspi: Great how-to. I think you can remove the "wannabe" from your profile. Have a great and safe holiday.
Adel: Before trying to get things to work in Manipulate, I suggest getting them to work with the minimum amount of code first. Since you want to graph functions, I suggest sticking with Plot[]. Here is an example: f[x_?NumericQ,...
Mike: I've only read about this so far, but I do remember reading that you might need to use the following options to get this working outside of the desktop: - Initialization - SaveDefinitions I hope that helps. Have a great and...