User Portlet User Portlet

Mike Besso
Gleb: Could you provide some additional background? And answer the following questions? - What do you mean by the "second part of the function"? - Is there a definition for the symbol random? - What is the purpose of the Dynamic? - Are...
Werner: Thanks for working through this. I will likely have a similar need soon.
David: I've come across similar scenarios before. If you want to use Mathematica, I think your best option will be to use DirectLink as Rohit suggested. Though, I think you would have to rely on Mathematica driving the process. Though, that...
I'm not seeing the Sin[x] * Cos[x] term when nmax = 60. I'm running Mathematica 12.2 on a Mac. I do have a question though, if you want only real x's should you add that to your assumptions using: Assumptions -> {x > 0, Element[x, Reals]}
Did you check out Plot3D[]?
Len: Check out the docs for Subscript[]. I believe your issue is that b[t] (and similar expressions) is being interpreted as a function call, not a subscripted variable. Have a great 2021.
[@Raspi Rascal][at0] Yes, I am enjoying this discussion. And for me, it is timely. My job is requiring me to do more and more statistics. Keep up the good work. [at0]:
Check out:
[@Rohit Namjoshi][at0] , [@Gianluca Gorni][at1] : I've been struggling with this as well. Now I understand why I was struggling, and I have two new techniques to use. [at0]: [at1]:...
Code Red: For RAM, check out If you want to make it permanent, you can put the solution in your kernel/init.m. To limit CPU cores (might...