User Portlet User Portlet

I've got unexpected behaviour of the frame labels while plotting several plots in a row using the `PlotLayout` option. Except of two nice labels placed where they should be a third one is generated in the center of the whole image. Consider the...
Well, as I understand, the clue you seek is actually inside the `Attributes` function. Or, more precisely, in the Attributes of the `Attributes` function. A line like Attributes[Attributes] returns a list {HoldAll, Listable, Protected}...
You can pass an option `Joined -> False` to the `DateListPlot` function, but it will eliminate all connections (including those inside your data segments) in the graph. If you want to keep them you'd have to divide your data into pieces manually and...
You rewrite the value of `x` variable while preparing the **Plot 2** - you initiate it as a `Range[1, 10]` but then turn it into another complex polynomial. And this transformation is then passed to the new (from the Mathematica's point of view)...
I tried it on my laptop and got the same result: `SetOptions[DateListPlot, AspectRatio -> 1]` does affect the list of options returned by `Options[DateListPlot]` but **DateListPlot**-s retain their default **AspectRatio**-s. I believe this is a WL...
So, as I understand now, you have an overdetermined system of linear equations and thus you probably can't solve them exactly. So, I believe you should explicitly use functions which are designed to find approximate solutions for such systems, like...
First, I suppose that your piece of code is kind of messy, so I picked just a part of it and recasted into "supposed-to-work" Wolfram code: M = 1; a = 0.4; b = 1; r = NSolve[{r^2 + a^2 Cos[\[Theta]]^2 - 2 M (1 -...
Well, as it is written in the documentation, the function **FindMaximum** "searches for a local maximum" and it is not a surprise that it actually finds only a local maximum when called. I suggest using the **Maximize** function: ...
I am not an expert in calculus, but I doubt if this integral can be expressed in any terms except of the input integral for arbitrary *a* and *b*. For instance, if one substitutes *a = - 1* and *b = 1* he / she will get **HypergeometricU** in the...
I am not an experienced Mathematica user and thus I can't say what exactly is wrong in your example, but let me guess. First, usually I try to avoid using approximate numbers (decimal notation) like 0.1 while working with symbolic computations....