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Thank you for your suggestion!
As far as I understand, these lines work like this: 1. `NN` is an integer variable defined somewhere above; 2. `idx` is expected to be a list of integers not exceding `NN` so that `Complement[Range[NN], idx]` returns a non-empty list of indices...
Hello! As I understand, this is WL notation for "everywhere else" / "where not specified". For example, one can use it in boundary conditions of PDEs, e.g., `NeumannValue[0, True]`, which means something like "zero flux everywhere on the boundary".
Thank you all for your replies! Yes, my question arose exactly from Python - my colleague works on the ANN-based [eikonal equation][1] solver implemented with Tensorflow - and I wanted to play with this problem using WL. A particular thanks to...
Recently I found a way to do it. Assume my `InterpolatingFunction` is stored in a variable, say `x`. Then x["Methods"] will return a list of available "fields": `{"Coordinates", "DerivativeOrder", "Domain", "ElementMesh", ...}`. Then you...
Thanks for your answer! Unfortunately, this is not a suitable solution since particular form of `H` is not restricted to squared norm of `r[t]` - I used it just as an example of scalar-valued function of vector argument. The problem is exactly that I...
So, what exactly do you want? As you wrote, satisfying all four equations seems unreachable. And even more, I am quite sure that one can prove that the requested point does not exist using Mathematica built-ins: ClearAll[x, y, n, points, eqns]...
Hello! Today I was trying to display a slice plot of a function of three coordinates using `SliceContourPlot3D` and noticed an unexpected side-effect: local variables which were used inside this function remain in the system and retain their...
UPD: I re-installed Mathematica and it fixed the problem. Maybe the cause was that I installed CUDA Toolkit *after* the previous Mathematica installation downloaded GPU libraries and threw an error.
Thanks for your replies!