User Portlet User Portlet

Todd Rowland
One approach is to make a parametrized guess and then use Reduce. For example, try g[c0_,c1_,c2_][x_]:=c0+c1*x+c2*x^2 and then use Reduce on a small set of examples. FullSimplify[Reduce[...
Guillermo, Rohit, Thanks for both your replies. I am discovering there are usually quite a few ways to achieve something in Mathematica! Regards, Paul
It would be amazing if one could actually make this analogy computable, ... at least I learned recently there exists for a while already the [Khovanov Homology][1], as a reference see [On Khovanov's categorification of the Jones polynomial][2]...
Thanks for taking the time to look at my Wolfram Summer Camp project - I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Analysing statistics is a great idea - I looked at a few statistical features very briefly (like what percentage of a sample combinators of a given...
Great job! You might be interested in a simpler proof. One approach is to use experimental mathematics by playing around and discovering statements that seem true. If you accumulate enough then you'll find the right ones that can form lemmas to...
[@Murray][at0], this is exactly why we created Staff Picks: - that particular group collects blog-like best contributions, that post is already there ;-) Staff Picks can be also found on the authors profile:...
Since it is basketball season (right now we are in the middle of March madness) I thought it'd be fun to make a basketball simulation. Basketball Boids is motivated by the boids model of bird flocks, with a term for separation from teammates, a term...
You are best off finding a representation of your algebra (e.g. if it is associative then maybe you can find a matrix representation), but there is something you can do with generators and relations. Note that it is the relations part that is...
I didn't think of it that way. One universal computer can emulate another one, and you could think of it as an encryption, even if it is not an intentional encryption. There might be some confusion though between the decoding needed by humans from...
Here is an idea to display a [CellularAutomaton][1] evolution where every updated cell shows the neighborhood above it. This might be helpful when explaining to someone how it works. ![plot of rule 30 for 4 steps][2] ECAPlot[history_,...