User Portlet User Portlet

Todd Rowland
Ok, there is a lot to say here, but I should first of all say that I am not really an expert. I think that there has been some implementation of nonstandard analysis in the Wolfram language, although I cannot remember where. About using Wolfram...
![enter image description here][3] - Congratulations! This post is now a [Staff Pick][1]! Thank you for your wonderful contributions. Please, keep them coming! [1]: [3]:...
Thanks everyone. I woke up in the middle of the night realizing that `NotebookImport[Notebook[AllCases[expr,_Cell]]` would work. Only learned about NotebookImport a few days ago although it's been around for a couple years.
Thanks for your replying, Mr. Lichtblau! **Your suggestion completely solves my problem** and I can finally relieve a little bit now. Since I am beginner to Mathematica, I did not realize the difference between 0.01 and 1/100. Really learnt something...
This paper shows the relationship between complexity and the graph automorphism group size: Correlation of Automorphism Group Size and Topological Properties with Program-size Complexity Evaluations of Graphs and Complex Networks H. Zenil, F....
Thank you, Daniel! I found an exhaustive explanation on the $Wolfram MathWorld$ page: [Cube Root -- from Wolfram MathWorld][1] > The schoolbook definition of the cube root of a negative number is (-x)^(1/3)=-(x^(1/3)). However, extension of...
They are really cool videos. As a suggestion, I would end up with an image of a resume of the concepts or the functions you just talked about. Students could stop and copy those great useful functions and try to use them after. Please keep on...
Hi Todd, There's a wide variety on interest. A lot of the time I side with you. The Lorenz equations, for example, are non-linear, chaotic differential equations. Others are not so high minded, and don't care if you can produce an oscilloscope...
Hello, Kind of a related question. But what if I am trying to Repeat Calculations/Iterations without a specific function? I am trying to repeat an initial condition many times such that I get a desired final output. ONE final output depends on...
Hi Moderation Team, Thanks for the plaudit! But if we're going to make this a featured post, let's go ahead and add an animation. Performing standard numerical time evolution along the pendulum C.E.S. allows us to compute a "phase space...