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I think this now makes much more sense. This probably should be incorporated in the original top post, not only in the comment. Thanks for looking into this.
Dear [@Jonathan][at0], this sounds great! The course says it is **Intermediate**. Is any prerequisite knowledge required -- finance or any other kind? [at0]:
Perhaps the developers [@Kirill Belov][at0] and [@Kirill Vasin][at1] have some thoughts on this. [at0]: [at1]:
Attaching your data to the post would be helpful.
Edit your post and re-upload proper notebook.
[@Roland Franzius][at0] I think what [@A Chase Turner][at1] means is focus on adding computational Wolfram Language code to the paper in a comprehensive manner so original narrative remains. [at0]:
Perfect! Thank you so much for doing this. I can even rotate the 3D plot now :-)
Did anyone try ChatGPT Wolfram plugin that was announced recently? > **QUOTE**: ...given some candidate code, the Wolfram plugin can run it, and if the results...
Very cool! But I do not think this post shows the actual Brachistochrone curve, right? Also, for the oscillatory curve, should / could not the ball jump a bit? Or the problem somehow is formulated not for a ball, but for a bid on a wire?
Hi [@Tao][at0], are you looking for numeric or exact symbolic solution? If numeric, would solutions for large enough (but not infinity) radius suffice as an approximation? If you have any other thoughts or background or references for this problem,...