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Excellent! I missed your fun posts, [@Clayton][at0], good too see them again :-) BTW Swirled Series pages is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. [at0]:
Are there some references to this transformation and its use cases in the literature? That would be useful.
Could you please add more details about why it is "far from what i wanted to make" and what you are looking for exactly. A minimal example pinpointing the issue is needed. If the notebook is too long you can add it to the post as a file attachment.
Looks beautiful and interesting! Could you please share `ShowQuilt` function?
Thank you [@Daniel][at0] for sharing, very interesting. I might have missed this somehow in your post: did you have to train this neural net on some Wolfram Language data? How does it now to output things in Wolfram Language and not in some other...
Interesting project. Just in case I will point out great recent and perhaps relevant blog: **Computational Video Premieres in Wolfram Language 12.1** by [@Shadi Ashnai][at0] ...
Is it working? When I go to the website URL you provided it just has "VR" letters and link to GitHub repo.
Perhaps this example can help you? It is not exactly the same thing, but CloudDeploy should work in the same way. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Please see:
Are you sure your algorithm cannot be implemented via [CellularAutomaton][1] function? See Details section (especially "general function to apply to each list of neighbors ") and many examples. [1]:...