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Mathematica cannot get the general solution of this PDE. But if you assume a separable solution T[r,t]=f[r] g[t] you will find T[r,t]=BesselJ[0,lambda r] Exp[-lambda^2 t].
Mathematica syntax uses Tan[z], ArcTan[z].
Try this: thePlot = DateListPlot[data, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {80, 180}}, GridLines -> {None, {60, 85, 100, 140}}, GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Thin], Filling -> {1 -> 140}, FillingStyle -> Gray, ImageSize...
Note that if z is accurate to 16 figures, Log[z] is accurate to Log[16] approx 3. Try this: In[1]:= x = N[9999999966650702/10^16, 40]; y = N[-6618533197939224/10^28, 40]; z := x + I y In[4]:= Arg[z] Out[4]=...
Try something like this: In[13]:= TeXForm[HoldForm[x = 2 + 3 + 5]] Out[13]//TeXForm= x=2+3+5
Try this: Manipulate[Text[ Row[{"F1 = ", F1, "; F2 = ", F2, "; F3 = ", F3}]], {{upd, 1, "update"}, {1 -> "F1", 2 -> "F2", 3 -> "F3"}, Setter}, {{F, 1, "F"}, 1, 10}, TrackedSymbols :> {upd, F}, Initialization :> (F1 := ...
The equation does not have a closed-form solution, given the mixture of linear and exponential terms. It can be solved numerically using FindRoot[equation==0,{I,I_guess}] by putting in values for V and all the parameters. You might also try a...
Greetings Bob, from Sy Blinder The rule for sum of logs doesn't appear to be built in to Mathematica. But try the following workaround: In[13]:= Log[Exp[Log[x] + Log[y]]] Out[13]= Log[x y]
Note that there is a singularity for theta=phi=0. This can cause trouble.