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I got same result using M-10.4. Just returns input. "A bug, not a feature"
Sum[33! p0^a p1^b p2^c Boole[a + b + c == 33]/(a! b! c!), {a, 0, 33}, {b, 0, 33}, {c, 0, 33}] huge output
Note that Log threads over the matrix: In[1]:= v = {a, b, c, d} Out[1]= {a, b, c, d} In[2]:= Log[v] Out[2]= {Log[a], Log[b], Log[c], Log[d]}
Several syntax errors. Corrected: m = 1; Lambda = 632.8*10^-9; a = 500*10^-9; n = 1.5; kt = 2 Pi a n /Lambda*Sin[55 Degree]; xp = 2 Pi a n /Lambda; P[u_] = Sin[Theta]^2/(1 + Cos[Theta]^2) BesselJ[m, Sin[Theta] kt]^2; ...
You might check out the little video clip under "get coordinates" in the Wolfram Language Search.
This is just too complicated to integrate in closed form. Numerical integration will work.
Try this: f[x_] := (a x^2)/(b + x) Manipulate[ Plot[f[x], {x, -10, 10}, PlotRange -> {-500, 500}], {a, -10, 10}, {b, -4, 4}, TrackedSymbols :> {a, b}, SaveDefinitions -> True]
Try this: r = {2, 3, 4}; r/ToString[Total[r]]
f[x_]:=x Sin[x] g[x_]:=-Abs[x]
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