User Portlet User Portlet

As an alternative to a Fourier expansion, the curve you have drawn can be well represented by 6 connected linear segments, repeated periodically.
Try this HoldForm[y == HoldForm[f/g] x + b]
Missing commas in function definition. In[11]:= a[q_, s1_ , s2_] := ((1 - q + s1*(1 + q*s2))/(1 + s2)) In[12]:= D[a[q, s1, s2], s1] Out[12]= (1 + q s2)/(1 + s2)
I don't find any problem using Safari on Mac OS X. From the Website , just find the Demonstration you want and click on it. If the free Wolfram CDF player is installed, the Demo is then fully functional. It would be nice if the user had an...
Try this FrameLabel -> {Style["\[Delta]", 13], Row[{Style[Subscript["N", "P"], Italic], " g", Superscript[m, -2]}]}
Try this In[14]:= y = t - DT; DT = 300 a/9.81; hv = (Vi*d)/(4 B*(Tu/2)^2)^(1/3); B = Vi*g*d; g = (9.81 (t - x))/300; Vi = Q/l; In[15]:= y Out[15]= -30.581 a + t
You can produce strings with the desired ordering by using a construction like Row[{"x","y", . . .}]
Consider E^(I x^2). The limit x->Infinity doesn't exist because of the oscillation at infinite frequency. However: In[22]:= Integrate[E^(I x^2), {x, 1, Infinity}] Out[22]= (1/2 + I/ 2) Sqrt[\[Pi]/2] (1 - (1 - I)...
You do know that the definition of a function uses the form f[u_,v_]:= . . . Write g[u_,v_]:= . . . on a separate line. Also parentheses are not matching.
The 4th point would be the sum of the vectors {1,2,3} + {2,2,-1} = {3,4,1}.