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David, you solve all my problems. Thank you, But for my purpose, I think Nick's method is the best. Thank you so very much. |
Thank you for replying. I liked the ChemicalData approach, but I would have to know the names of all the chemical compounds I encounter (and I am quite awful at compound names). However, I did not know that ChemicalData was a function, and I am glad... |
Thank you very much. I have learned quite a bit through this discussion. Thank you very much again for your help. |
Ah, I guess I had been mistaken. I hope my answer had not been misleading. I should've guessed the complexity when he said it was for his mater's degree. Thank you. |
Thank you for your answers. I guess that the articles I've read were too optimistic and speculative. Nevertheless, I am excited for the Intel Edision and its future developement. I am most excited about the possibility of cdf player on phones and... |
I was browsing the community for any problems I could help when I had an idea. A functionality to search for unreplied threads might help bring expert answers to unanswered questions. Also, something similar... |
I am only a student, very new to mathematica, and no expert in anyways. I expect that someone else can definitely can give a better insight than I can. As far as I understand, NDSolve do not take such complicated equations as eqns. I hope this... |
Thank you to both Ahmed and Luca. @Ahmed I was thinking that one of the issues were that I did not give a range for the angle (so the angle can be 30, 390, 750, and so on), but I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to fix the problem nor... |
Thank you, however a quick question. Which variable is the pure fuction taking as #? |
I have never thought of doing that! Thank you very much! |