User Portlet User Portlet

I found a possible workaround Since the error does occur with the network net = NetChain[{ElementwiseLayer[#-#&], AggregationLayer[Times, 1]}] but not with the network net = NetChain[{ElementwiseLayer[#-#+1&],...
Note that you don't need any secret internal functions to get the layer association or the edge list for the `NetGraph`. This will return the association of layers: ``` NetExtract[ngt2, All] ``` And this will return the connectivity information: ...
Right, Solved! Thank you!
Stefan, this solution worked for me. Also, I see the correct results when evaluating *SystemInformation[]*
FYI, newer versions of Mono no longer install to "/usr/bin" so the default option value of InstallNET, OptionValue[InstallNET, "MonoPath"] (* returns "mono" *) may no longer be found. Instead, set this path yourself when using InstallNET: ...
Ah- silly me to think they would be integrated / related somehow. :)
So it turns out that there is a mechanism for doing this in Workbench's DocumentationTools: - On the F tab, click "Links", then "More Link Tools". You should see a "Make Sel" and a "Make Link" button, among some others. - Select the cell you...
Same problem for me with 11.1 on windows 7. In addition to that it crasches frequently, especially when I work with files from Mathematica 10.
Thanks for the clarification! In case you haven't seen [this question]( yet, do you have the answer for it?
Do any CUDA users out there have some ideas?